Comma Mamas: How Comma Supports New Moms (Emily’s Story)

Anyone who knows about Comma’s founding knows this company is mom-friendly. Crystalee Beck – supermom and President – founded Comma as a way for her to spend more time with her kids while earning an income and forging her own path to success. Her passion for a “life-first” work environment shines through to her Comma mama employees: something I know firsthand! Let me tell you a little bit more about my journey and how this company supports mothers.

In 2020, I joined Comma as a writer, editor, and mom of one rambunctious toddler. At the time, my 3-year-old went to preschool five days a week, and I was able to take on a ton of projects for Comma. It was the ideal work/family balance. Then in July of 2021, I found out some unexpected news: I was pregnant with my second child! I knew this new baby would totally change my life, but I also knew I was in good hands with Comma. 

Working at Comma has been life-changing in so many ways, but I’ll highlight just a few reasons why this career path has been monumental to me as a mother of two.

Comma’s Flexible Options for Maternity Leave

One of the ways Comma supports new moms is with a generous maternity leave. For three months I put work completely out of my mind, and off my calendar. This time off, combined with the assurance that my job would be waiting for me when I got back, gave me the peace of mind I needed to focus on keeping my tiny human alive. 

After birth, those first few months are often referred to as the “fourth trimester” because you and your baby are still going through a million changes together. I’m so glad Comma worked with me during this time. They even sent a super thoughtful care package with a Comma onesie!

Choosing my Workload with an Awesome Team

The Comma team is understanding and flexible when you need to take on less work. When my baby Benny was born in March 2022, my other son (Teddy) was four and a half years old. It had been a while since I’d had to deal with a newborn, and at first, I definitely overestimated my capabilities to take on assignments postpartum. After my three-month maternity leave was up, I figured I’d be able to be back up to my previous workload in no time. I can just work during nap time! No biggie!

Turns out, Benny didn’t care much for naps. 

I soon found myself completely overwhelmed, with almost no time to complete my work. Rather than panic-quit or burn out, I simply reached out to my Team Lead and let her know I was struggling. As a mother herself, she understood my predicament, and we worked together to figure out the best way for me to scale back. In a matter of days, I had a much more manageable schedule.

Making Adjustments as My Baby Grows

Last but not least, Comma supports new moms by checking in with them regularly. Each month, our team lead sends out a capacity survey to find out if we’re happy with our current workload, or if we would like to take on more projects. Crystalee even makes a point to ask team members what their monetary goals are to make sure we have opportunities to earn more whenever possible. 

As Benny gets older (and hopefully starts taking longer naps), I plan on asking for more assignments to support my family. I love knowing I have the opportunity every month to tweak my workload as needed and to let my team know how I’m doing. Motherhood can be super unpredictable, which is why Comma’s flexibility is key.

Overall, I couldn’t have picked a better company to work with during this crazy transition period in my life. Comma has been there for me every step of the way, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

Written by Emily Garland as part of our Comma culture series. Interested in joining an inclusive community of writers and editors? Check out our Comma careers page

Emily is a writer, editor, and mother to two beautiful boys. She loves watching movies, trying new foods, and singing at the top of her lungs on long car rides.